Narcisa Vucina

Author, journalist, lecturer and performer

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Vucina's crest

I have translated the collection of poems “Sigøjnerpoesi”, “Gipsy Poetry”, Husets Forlag, 1995.

Here is one of the poems:


©  1995 Narcisa Vucina

Husets Forlag

ISBN 87-7483-338-3


One morning, one morning,

it rained, it rained.

One morning it was raining.

Lina was walking on her bare feet.

Oh, Lina, oh Lina,

you have eaten me, Lina;

You have drunk me, Lina;

you have eaten and drunk me, Lina,

with your black eyes,

with your hair hanging loose ...

Oh, Lina, oh Lina.